PODCAST: 62.私の新年の抱負(ストレス解消) My New Year’s Resolutions (de-stress)

明けましておめでとうございます!Happy New Year!

In today’s episode I’m going to talk about my personal New Year’s Resolutions (basically: improve my stress), and my concrete plan for actually doing them.

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PODCAST: 通訳担当tensaimon translates 47.このポッドキャストの一年目の反省会 reflecting on a year of this podcast

このPODCASTを一年間やってきて、どうだった、何学んだ、これからの目標などについての適当なtensaimon talking!

PODCASTアプリ(Spotify, iTunes, などなど)で音声だけも聞けますよ:検索 “tensaimon”


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PODCAST: ネット通訳担当tensaimon translates 37. 生活を簡単化しましょう How to simplify your life



“PODCAST: ネット通訳担当tensaimon translates 37. 生活を簡単化しましょう How to simplify your life” の続きを読む

PODCAST:ネット通訳担当tensaimon translates the internet 33.用事リストの問題 the problem with to-do lists





“PODCAST:ネット通訳担当tensaimon translates the internet 33.用事リストの問題 the problem with to-do lists” の続きを読む

PODCAST: 通訳tensaimon translates 31.森林浴 forest bathing




“PODCAST: 通訳tensaimon translates 31.森林浴 forest bathing” の続きを読む

PODCAST: ネット通訳担当tensaimon 25: 気候を悔やむ Climate Grief

気候変動によって、全てを失う可能性が出て、悔やむ人が増えている。その「climate grief]についての記事を読み上げながら、まとめながら、訳しましょう・・・



February 19, 2020

まとめ Summary:

Andrew Bryant, a social worker and therapist based in Seattle, Washington, says he is contacted by people struggling with climate change about once a week.

“PODCAST: ネット通訳担当tensaimon 25: 気候を悔やむ Climate Grief” の続きを読む

Deep Adaptation (深い適応策)のインタビュー動画のまとめ

Deep adaptationは「深い適応策」って意味で、私たちの社会は持続不可能で、効果的な対策(すぐゼロカーボンなど)は取れていないから、数十年(数年???)以内に崩壊するしかない、という、「崩壊から生き残る人はよりいい社会を作れるように」の社会活動の動きです。今年本は出版されて、編集者のJem Bendellさんとのインタビューを英語にまとめて、XR日本の週一回のZoomで行う話し合いで日本語に訳させていただきました。




What is deep adaptation?深い適応

A framework for the navigating the disruption and even collapse that is coming because of environmental breakdown

Ethos: open-hearted open-minded framework for exploring ideas
Resilience – what do we what to keep
Relinquish – what can we let go of
Restoration – what can we bring back
Reconciliation – what can we make peace with as we face our common mortality

“Deep Adaptation (深い適応策)のインタビュー動画のまとめ” の続きを読む

PODCAST: ネット通訳担当tensaimon 24: 大阪なおみはテニス業界と戦い / Naomi Osaka’s fight with the tennis ruling bodies




Naomi Osaka Is Part of a Larger War Within Sports: who should make the rules? And how much power do athletes have to protect themselves?

June 2, 2021

まとめ Summary:

Congratulations, tennis. You’ve won neither the battle nor the war with Naomi Osaka, but you have just bullied one of the biggest stars in your sport into quitting a major tournament that could use the publicity she would have brought to it.


PODCAST: ネット通訳担当tensaimon 21: 睡眠時間を短くする不眠症治療 cure insomnia by sleeping less



Can’t sleep? Try getting less


August 28th, 2015

Can’t sleep? Try getting less

‘By reducing your “sleep window”, you’re raising the stakes, giving your powers of sleep a real challenge, which brings out the best in them’

まとめ Summary:

Recently, I decided to try to deal with a bout of insomnia by deliberately getting even less sleep. If this strikes you as absurd, I can only reply that it’s no more absurd than what most insomniacs do instead: lie awake in bed for hours every night, getting more wakeful the harder they try to drop off, while ruminating on horrifying existential truths.

“PODCAST: ネット通訳担当tensaimon 21: 睡眠時間を短くする不眠症治療 cure insomnia by sleeping less” の続きを読む

Podcast Episode: ネット通訳担当tensaimon translates 18:ラナプラザ縫製工場の崩壊から8年 8 years on from the Rana Plaza Collapse



8 Years After the Rana Plaza Disaster, We Still Aren’t Doing Enough to Protect Garment Workers


April 19, 2021

まとめ Summary:

“There was outrage around the world when 1,134 people died in the devastating Rana Plaza tragedy in Bangladesh on April 24th, 2013. Horrific images showed bodies being pulled from the rubble following the collapse of an eight-story garment factory complex in Dhaka as desperate families stood by, waiting for news about their loved ones. “

Eight years on, garment workers are still losing their lives while making our clothes:
– In November 2020, 12 people were killed in an explosion at a garment factory in Gujarat, India.
– In March this year, 20 people were killed and dozens left injured after a fire… in Cairo, Egypt,
– a further eight killed and 29 injured when a 10-storey building collapsed in the same city later that month.
– Meanwhile, in Gazipur, Bangladesh, one person died and another 42 workers were left injured following a factory fire.

“Podcast Episode: ネット通訳担当tensaimon translates 18:ラナプラザ縫製工場の崩壊から8年 8 years on from the Rana Plaza Collapse” の続きを読む