Greta Thunburg Austria World Summit Vienna 2019 Speech


(Scroll down for English)

Greta Thunbergがもう一度、混乱を切り取って、要点をついています。全ての人がまだ気候危機の対策に取り組んでいない理由は、危険性を感じていないからです。危険性を感じていない理由は、私達の社会の(いわゆる)リーダー達が説明をしていないからです。














- 自分が参加しているコミュニティ(オンラインももちろんだけど、現実も優先しましょう:職場、友達、趣味の仲間)の全てに気候危機について語って、皆が同じように何かしらの行動を起こせるよう状況を理解してもらう。

- この動きをきっかけに使って、政治(地元、国内、国際)同じことをする(皆に情報を流す)ように促す。

- それと同時に、自分の生活を変える。車、飛行機を使わず買い物をやめて、自転車を買って、地元が食べ物を育てたり小規模発電したりするように取り組む。個人で二酸化炭素排気を減らすのは大海の一滴に過ぎないけど、人数が増えると、これらの行動が現在の継続性のない経済制度を継続性があるシステムに変換する推進力を発生する。これらの行動が、惰性で続いている我々の持続不可能な経済システムに打ち勝つために必要とされる時代精神を生み出す。







Yet again Greta Thunberg cuts through all the bullshit and hits the nail on the head: the only reason people are not utterly focused on mobilizing to avert the climate crisis is because they do not understand how dangerous our situation is, and the reason they don’t understand is because our (so-called) leaders have not told us.

Several friends have recently made comments to me along the lines of “people won’t go for it, they like their smartphones cars shopping etc”. This is only because they have not had the choice they face explained clearly:

The real question (which we are all right now engaged in voting on): Would you prefer:

A) smartphones and cars and shopping malls now, AND mass starvation, war and total social collapse sometime in the next few decades?


B) changing our entire way of life, and continuing to have food and thus the opportunity to grow old without dying of starvation, war or natural disaster?

(and clearly, the younger you are the more likely this is to directly affect you).

The science is very clear: there are NO other options. So which are YOU going to choose??

I urge you to choose B.

And once you have chosen B, I think you should:

1) panic;

2) breathe deeply, feel and acknowledge the fear, and calm yourself so you can act skillfully;

3) run around telling everyone all about it, don’t let a conversation go by without explaining some aspect of our situation;

4) act;

– use every platform you have available to you (online of course, but mostly in real life: your workplaces, friendship groups and hobby communities) to share the information about our situation so that everyone will understand and start doing likewise.

– use this momentum to start pressuring our governments (local, national and international) to likewise start explaining the real situation in ways everyone can understand (the A and B choice above);

– and simultaneously start taking concrete lifestyle actions: stop shopping stop driving stop flying, and instead buy a bicycle and start mobilizing your neighborhood to grow food and generate local electricity. Individually “reducing your carbon footprint” is barely a molecule in the ocean, but as numbers swell these actions will create the zeitgeist we need to overcome the inertia of our present utterly unsustainable economic systems.

This leads to an unexpected dilemma for most people:

“Should I go to work today, or should I devote myself to climate action instead (on the basis that my work is likely part of the problem)?”

I can’t tell you what to do here.

I personally am very lucky in that my work as a teacher (with freedom to choose what to teach) means that I can use my job as my platform for sharing the choice we face.

Since I think you (and me too) are unlikely to be able to make such a drastic leap as to not go to work today and instead start planting vegetables, let me make a suggestion: use your work as your platform: don’t let a meeting or water-cooler conversation (is that still a thing?) go by without bringing up the climate crisis.

Let’s get moving, people: we have absolutely no time to lose.